The Windrush Generation - Worksheet

Year 6
The Windrush Generation - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The Windrush Generation worksheet is an educational resource designed to explore the multifaceted experiences of the Caribbean immigrants who travelled to Britain on the HMT Empire Windrush in 1948, and in the years that followed. It prompts students to consider the positive reasons that motivated this generation to migrate, such as the prospect of employment opportunities and the invitation from the British government to help rebuild the post-war economy. The worksheet also encourages a discussion on the challenges and negative issues the Windrush Generation faced upon arrival in Britain, including racism, social exclusion, and difficulties in accessing housing and services.

Additionally, the worksheet aims to engage students in a broader conversation about the long-term effects of immigration on Britain over the last century, examining the cultural, economic, and social impact. It also seeks to define the term 'Windrush generation', helping students understand the historical context and significance of this group of immigrants. This educational tool, provided by Focus Education (UK) Ltd, serves as a starting point for a deeper investigation into the contributions and struggles of the Windrush Generation and their lasting legacy on British society.

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